We are excited to announce our inaugural 2022 sponsorship program! There are several levels to choose from, each offering visibility through various media, including our website, communications, and programming. The recognition reinforces your brand throughout the year and will continue to broaden your reach to prospective clients. 

Join us in promoting the professional development of women in the healthcare industry. Women in Healthcare provides an active community where women can access networking, education, and mentorship to encourage advancement and professional development tailored to their career goals.

Together we can build a community of goal-driven, high-achieving women who help each other thrive and succeed. Your sponsorship will ensure the growth of our organization and the promotion of women across our industry.

Join now and get the remaining months of 2021 for free! We have an exciting year ahead.

Sponsorship Levels



Platinum Level – $1,500

Limit to 3 Sponsors per TermĀ 

  • Membership for three
  • Registration for four at all events
  • One reserved seat at speaker table
  • Ability to bring branded item to offer each guest at all live events
  • Option to promote your company from podium at program introductions
  • Invitation to introduce speaker
  • Annual sponsor/speaker appreciation party
  • Logo listed on website, all promotional materials, and events

Gold Level – $1,000

Unlimited Number of Sponsors for Term

  • Membership for two
  • Two registrations for two live events
  • Ability to bring branded item to offer each guest at all live events
  • Annual sponsor/speaker appreciation party
  • Logo listed on website, all promotional materials, and events

Silver Level – $500

Unlimited Number of Sponsors for Term

  • Membership for one
  • Registration to one live event
  • Annual sponsor/speaker appreciation party
  • Logo listed on website and all promotional materials

Thank You To Our Sponsors!